Wellbeing Plan
At Stress Matters wellbeing is one of our core values and we believe that business can be more strategic in the way in which they approach their wellbeing strategies
Wellbeing is the experience of health and happiness. It includes having good mental health, high satisfaction with life, a sense of purpose and the ability to manage stress. Unfortunately, wellbeing is often compromised by many individuals due to the fast pace of life we all experience today. Increasing your wellbeing can often be tough without knowing what to do or how to do it. Improving your wellbeing is like learning any other skill, it requires practice and dedication. There are 4 areas of wellbeing; mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, each of which requires time and attention.
Why Wellbeing Should Be Important To You and Your Business?
Improving employee wellbeing is a vital and never-ending task, but, it has been proven that businesses that take action and provide employees with a better work environment will see an increase productivity and see a reduction in absences. The idea is that improving peoples working lives not only improves their personal wellbeing, but can result in more successful organisations. Your business should strive to create a workplace in which everyone feels included, valued and respected. This will result in improved working relationships and contribute to productivity and business development.
Introducing Wellbeing Into Your Business
Wellbeing Workshops
Based on the STRESS MATTERS WORKPLACE WELLBEING MODEL, our workshops give you a holistic solution to solving your stress related problems that minimises effort from your side and maximises impact in terms of changing culture.
Our expert delivered workshops are based on 4 pillars:
Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional health
helping your team prioritise their wellbeing, resilience and productivity.
Wellbeing Diagnostic Tool
Our Free Wellbeing Diagnostic Tool provides you with a measurable insight into the wellbeing of your business, teams and individuals.
Find out more information
If you want to know how your business or employer can improve the wellbeing of your team, get in contact us